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November 25, Day 330 – A Safe Way to Live

Writer's picture: Dr. Eric StrickerDr. Eric Stricker

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

Today in Proverbs 28:18-28, we find several everyday situations that contrast a wise approach to life with a foolish way of living. According to this passage, walking “blamelessly” is a safe way to live, but a “person whose ways are perverse” will – as a result of his own perversity – “fall into a pit” (verse 18). Thus, perversity, by contrast, leads men to sudden calamity; it is a dangerous way to live. Ordinarily, “working people” in our culture usually have enough food to eat – some, perhaps, even an “abundance of food,” – but we notice that some people “who chase fantasies will have their fill of poverty” (verse 19). This is often common among people who have lots of time on their hands and the resources that enable them to waste both their time and their money. People who play the lottery immediately come to mind. The writer further tells us that people who are “eager to get rich are often stingy, they show partiality and disrespect for their parents, they are frequently motivated by greed, and they are unaware that poverty awaits them” (verses 20-25). Solomon also observes that “some folks actually believe it's not wrong to rob their parents!” (verse 24). These outlandish attitudes and collective activities produce a foolish pathway for any life, and they stand in stark contrast to “trusting faithfully in the LORD, receiving correction, and sharing with the poor” (verses 20-25). This passage advises us to follow a safe way to live – God’s path – that we might be living examples of wisdom (verses 26-28).

In Ezekiel 45-46, the prophet contemplates Israel’s full restoration to the land after the exile, and prophetically, in the age to come. Restoration begins with the presentation and consecration to the LORD of “a portion of the land as a sacred district, and it is to be holy” (verse 1). We see that God is concerned – not only about holiness, but also about the land – about His people and their governance, about the various offerings and sacrifices, and about the times and manner by which the sacrifices are to be presented. Ezekiel does not clearly identify who this “prince” or these “princes” are (cf., 45:7-9; 45:16-22; 46:2, 4, and 8, ff), but he reveals that God places limitations on how the princes are supposed to govern His people. Moreover, because the sacrifices include a sin offering (verse 20), these princes cannot refer to Christ (several scholars and commentators believe that this prince could be David). Thus, this section of Ezekiel must relate to the time after Israel’s exile, but prophetically, it points ahead to Israel’s place in Christ’s future kingdom. As Christians, we have much to anticipate in God’s program, both for today and for all eternity.

In 1 Peter 3, the apostle also addresses a safe way to live. Peter tells us that “good behaviors” are fitting for believers – specifically for wives, husbands, and “all” those who constitute the body of Christ (verse 8). Godly conduct includes appropriate submission, the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, extending consideration and demonstrating respect for one another, displaying love and compassion to others, seeking peace – even suffering for doing the right thing – and waiting patiently (verses 4-10). These, and other similar behaviors, are Christian graces that should guide us to live safely as believers in Christ, and they should be evident in our daily conduct. Peter’s teaching is fully consistent with the wisdom that we find today in Proverbs 28.

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