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May 27, Day #148 – I Cannot Go in These

Writer's picture: Dr. Eric StrickerDr. Eric Stricker

In 1 Samuel 17:38-18:30, we read that “Saul dressed David in his own tunic, armor, and helmet” but after “trying to walk around in them,” David said, “I cannot go in these, because I am not used to them” (verses 38-39). Here, we have a picture of the believer attempting to operate in the attire and under the cover and influence of the unbelieving world. It simply will not work. Reliance on the world and its methods and systems is foreign to the believer; we can only operate by God’s design in God’s protective garments. For David, Saul’s armor will never work to accomplish God’s objectives. “So … David took his staff in hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag, and with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine … and said, ‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty … Whom you have defied’” (verses 39-45). Yesterday, we said that Goliath portrays Satan’s assault against the Holy God of the universe; here, David is a picture of Christ coming in the name of the Almighty God to put down His enemies. David gains the victory over Goliath and significantly “cut off his head with the sword” (verse 51). We recall that – in the curse - God promised to “crush Satan’s head” (cf., Genesis 3:15), and we see that previewed here. At the cross, Christ defeated Satan with his own weapon – death. In the rest of this section, we see Saul’s continuing descent into the abyss of greater jealousy and hatred toward David. Interestingly, even after Saul offered his armor to David, Saul forgot who David is – referring twice to him as “that young man” (verses 55-56). Saul “was afraid of David” (verse 12). The king seems to be slipping slowly into the realm of insanity because of his own insecurity. Saul’s irrational request for “a hundred Philistine foreskins” (verse 25) illustrates his neurosis. However, Saul’s bitter hatred of David contrasts strongly with Jonathan’s love and support of David. Saul’s marriage offer of his daughters to David reveals both his foolishness and his ulterior motives to bring David down.

Psalm 68:1-6, a Psalm of David, is a call to praise the name of God for His greatness. When God “arises, His enemies scatter and flee” (verse 1). However, the righteous “may be glad, rejoice, and be both happy and joyful” (verse 3) because “His name is the LORD, and He is a Father to the fatherless and a defender of widows” (verse 4). God is to be extolled and exalted because of His lofty nature and character – “He rides on the clouds” (verse 4). This Psalm reveals the broad range of His love for His creation. No other god can parallel His greatness.

In John 16:5-17:5, we see the difficulty that we humans have in understanding the transcendent nature of God. The disciples don’t understand what Jesus is revealing about going “to His Father” (verse 17) and about sending them the Holy Spirit (verse 13). In verses 8-11, we see the Holy Spirit’s threefold conviction of sinful man and of a guilty world: [1] “in regard to sin” (verse 9) – because the sin of unbelief is the greatest sin of all. [2] “In regard to righteousness” (verse 10) – Christ could go to the Father because He is the Righteousness of God (cf., Romans 3:21-26). And [3] “in regard to judgment” (verse 11) – because Christ’s death has judged sin, the world, and the devil. In other words, the Holy Spirit validates the holy credentials of Jesus as the Son of God. The limitations of our humanity sometimes present obstacles to our spiritual perception, but this became clearer to the disciples after the cross and at Pentecost. In John 17:1-5, we see that portion of the High Priestly Prayer in which Jesus prays for Himself and for His work to glorify God.

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