In 2 Samuel 6:16-8:18, we see that, “as the ark of the LORD was entering the City of David, David was leaping and dancing before the LORD, but Michal, the daughter of Saul despised him in her heart” (verse 16). Here, we see that, this time, the ark is brought up in the manner prescribed by the law (cf., 1 Chronicles 15:1-16). We note here, as well, that the writer identifies Michal – not as David’s wife – but as Saul’s daughter. Obviously, God was not displeased with David’s enthusiasm or his willingness to be “humiliated in his own eyes” (verse 22), but Michal demonstrated her father's bitterness toward David. From that point on, Michal remained childless. As children are a gift and a blessing from the Lord (cf., Psalm 127:3-4), we conclude that - because of her attitude, actions, and words - God closed Michal’s womb. In chapter 7, we see David’s desire to build a dwelling for God, but instead, God promises David to build him a “house” - a kingdom line that would last forever (verses 11-13). In verses 18-29, we see one of the great prayers of the Bible. David recognizes his own humble beginnings: “Who am I, O Sovereign LORD, and what is my family that you have brought me this far?” (verse 18). This is an appropriate way for us to approach a holy, righteous, and sovereign God. He is lifted up above the heavens, and we should recognize and honor that. Notice, he says, “How great You are, O Sovereign LORD! There is no one like You, and there is no God but You …” (verse 22). David asks God, “for the sake of Your Word and according to Your will, keep forever the promise You have made” for him (verses 21-25). Anyone who desires to walk closely with God should prayerfully honor Him with similar expressions. Then, in chapter 8, God gives us a glimpse of David’s military victories. In the same way that God gave David victory over his national and personal enemies, God desires to bring about victories in our lives today. In our daily lives, we all face enemies of every kind, but God wants us to gain the victory over them – just like He wanted for David. Even our faith is not something that we generate on our own - it comes as God’s gift to us, apart from which we could neither accept it nor believe it. May our Heavenly Father ever be praised!
Today in Proverbs 14:5-14, we read several important verses that help us understand more about the differences between foolishness and prudence. Last time, for example, we saw that a “wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one – by her own hands - tears her house down” (verse 1). What a difference that represents! God desires that we pursue the path to wisdom – because it leads to life - rather than pursue the foolish road – that leads to death. Here, we see that mockers actually “seek wisdom, but they find none, whereas knowledge comes easily to the discerning” (verse 6). How does that happen? It happens because mockers are also lazy, undisciplined, and foolish (cf., verse 9), but discerners “give careful thought to their ways” (verse 8). By practice, discerners have learned to work, to be diligent, and to apply truth to their lives, and as a result, they are in possession of useful knowledge. Mockers and fools live by deception (verse 8).
In Acts 2:22-47, following Peter’s summary explanation about the events that transpired on the day of Pentecost (cf., verses 14-21), we read Peter’s great sermon that follows. He began by addressing and negating the mockers who assumed that those who spoke in tongues were drunk (verses 13 and 15). He emphasized, “They are not drunk” (verse 15). Peter is not saying that these events were a fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy (cf., Joel 2:28-32). He is saying, “do not mock what God is doing here. This is like what God will do in the last days.” In addition, Peter reiterates the truths about Jesus Christ and establishes His relationship back to David as his Descendant-Messiah-King. Peter states clearly, “You put Him to death by nailing Him to the cross, but God raised Him from the dead. It was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him” (verses 23-24). Peter is also saying that only Jesus - Who was raised up alive by the Holy Spirit of God - has the power to save and redeem us. Peter’s Pentecost sermon – with its “warnings and pleadings” (verse 40) – was so convicting that “three thousand were added to their number that day” (verse 41).