We come today to Genesis 17-18 where we see God’s covenant with Abram and His promise of a son who will become God’s instrument to make Abraham the father of many nations (verse 3). God initiates name changes to reflect this new, very personal relationship with Him. This relationship includes circumcision, which will be the “sign of the covenant” (verse 11). Physical circumcision is an irreversible procedure that represents God’s irrevocable promise to establish His interminable plan: an eternal relationship with the Jewish people. Moreover, it symbolizes the removal (i.e., a “cutting off” of extraneous flesh) from the physical nature (i.e., worldly and dispensable) unto personal consecration and collective separation for the spiritual nature (i.e., holy and indispensable). In this sense, the covenant of circumcision signifies a complete sanctification. Abraham asserts his desire that Ishmael “live under God’s blessing” (verse 18), and by God’s promises, he will – but not the way Abraham imagines it. God’s holy covenant with Abraham will find fulfillment in Isaac – the son of divine promise – not Ishmael, the son of "human decision" (cf., John 1:13). We also see here God's expression of that promise of a son for Abraham and Sarah, in spite of their initial disbelief and laughter. In every sense of the word, God is fully able to do what would otherwise be impossible for us in our own strength to do.
Then, in Genesis 18, the Lord again appears to Abraham and Sarah and reaffirms His promise to them. In addition, this section reveals Abraham’s dialogue with the Lord on behalf of the so-called “righteous people” of Sodom. Significantly, not even ten righteous people can be found there. Genesis 18:17 contains a very important verse: “then the Lord said, ‘Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?’” This expression is repeated again twice in Genesis 41:25 and 41:28 – to Pharaoh through Joseph. Importantly, God does not hide what He is doing from mankind; He is a Revealer of His plans for the future. From this statement, we may freely say that the whole Bible is God’s disclosure to us about what He is doing. In His Word, God is telling us clearly “what He is about to do.”
Proverbs 1:8-19 exhorts us to do what God wants us to do. He tells us to “embrace wisdom and to eschew the enticement of sinners.” Temptation often comes to us through other people, and sometimes, that form of temptation is the hardest kind to resist. We always need to think twice when someone suggests that we become involved with him or her in an activity. The Word teaches us, “do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths, for their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed blood” (verses 15-16). Real wisdom calls for discernment.
In Matthew 6:25 – 7:23, Jesus continues His teachings. Here, he addresses the issues of worry, but He is not saying to avoid planning or being concerned about the present. Worry focuses on the future, which hasn’t happened yet. The difference between worry and concern relates to the present; we ought to be concerned about today because we are right in the middle of the present. Jesus points out that the lower creatures – birds, lilies of the field, etc., – do not worry, and God takes care of them (verses 26-30). To God, we are “much more valuable” (verse 16) than they are. We cannot “add a single hour to our lives” by worrying (verse 27), and Jesus says that worry is the currency of “pagans.” They ought to worry because they don’t know the Lord. In other words, worry is inconsistent with who we are as Christians. Worry – for the Christian – is irrational, ineffective, illogical, and irresponsible. Jesus goes on to address judgment, asking God for His provisions, taking the path that leads to life, and bearing fruit in the Christian life. Today’s readings are filled with biblical principles of truth that help us live the sanctified life.