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January 25, Day 25 – We Do Not Know What We Think We Know

Writer's picture: Dr. Eric StrickerDr. Eric Stricker

"Shanandoah Farm Scene" © by Terri L. Stricker - Original Watercolor on Paper
"Shanandoah Farm Scene" © by Terri L. Stricker - Original Watercolor on Paper

In Genesis 47-48, we now see that Jacob is coming to the end of his life. He has lived in Egypt and near Joseph for “seventeen years” (verse 28), a significant period of time, considering that he [1] earlier “believed that Joseph was dead,” (cf., Genesis 42:38); [2] he “refused to be comforted” (cf., Genesis 37:35), [3] he never expected to see Joseph alive again” (cf., Genesis 37:35); and [4] he “did not believe when he was told that Joseph was still alive” (cf., Genesis 45:26). This should teach us that we do not know what we think we know. In truth, only God knows with certainty. Here, each of Jacob’s actions is based on what he believes to be true – not on what is actually true (i.e., the truth itself). How easily we jump to conclusions and then make them our guide for living. In this section, we also recognize that, initially, Egypt represented God’s miraculous provision of deliverance (i.e., salvation) from the famine. However, as the famine becomes “severe,” the government is about to step in and become a national taskmaster over the people as they blindly, collectively, and willingly submit their remaining material wealth to the state in subservient exchange for their natural needs. Hence, Egypt is the world’s prototype for socialism. Interestingly, we notice that God does not intervene; He allows them to follow after their dangerous desires and the misplaced confessions of their hearts, as expressed in Genesis 47:25 – “You have saved our lives … we will be in bondage to Pharaoh.” Substituting the care of the government for God’s care is a poor exchange.

Proverbs 3:1-10 is a special section of Scripture for me, as verses 5-6 were Terri’s favorite verses of Scripture. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” In exemplary fashion, Terri applied these verses thoroughly to her whole life, and I am overwhelmed by her resultant testimony to the Lord before a watching world. I thank and praise God for her example and for the life she lived by these verses. In addition, she truly understood and practiced our Lord’s principles laid out in Matthew 16.

In Matthew 16:21–17:13, Jesus now begins to turn His attention to His approaching death “at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and teachers of the law … He must be killed and on the third day be raised to life” (verse 21). This is precisely the sign of Jonah – the “only sign” that He would give to “a wicked and adulterous generation” (cf., Matthew 16:4). Peter didn’t like to hear this (verse 22), and Jesus rebuked him because he represented a satanic stumbling block to the completion of His redemptive program. This should remind us to take our proper place before God; we have no right to inject ourselves or our ideas into God’s plans or program. In chapter 17, we see the Transfiguration, whereby Jesus was “transfigured before” Peter, James, and John. “His face shown like the sun, and Moses and Elijah appeared before them” (verses 2-3). This is a special, prophetic event, in which we see a representation of the kingdom of heaven. Jesus, the King, is reigning. Moses represents the Old Testament Law and those who have already died. Elijah pictures the Old Testament Prophets and the raptured saints of the New Testament. Peter, James, and John depict the king’s subjects who are alive during His kingdom. Jesus ends this section the way He started it – talking about His death. Today’s readings have given us much to think about and apply to our lives.

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1 commentaire

25 janv.

This is a beautiful watercolor Mom did! Do you have the original? Do you know what year she painted it?

Great devotional today!

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