Today’s Scripture passages reveal the persistent and fundamental conflict between righteousness and evil ever since sin entered the universe. Jesus briefly addressed this conflict, as we have already seen in our earlier reading of Matthew 10, when He said that “a man will turn against his father and a daughter against her mother,” etc., (verses 34-36). Here, In Genesis 43, we see this kind of conflict between Jacob and his sons. At the end of chapter 42, Jacob insists that his “son will not go down” to Egypt with the others (verse 38). In chapter 43, after “they had eaten all the grain they had” (verse 1), Jacob commands his sons to “go back and buy” more food (verse 2). But Judah replies, “if you will not send [Benjamin], we will not go” (verse 5). This illustrates our selfishness and our inability to get along with each other – even our own family members. As the chapter progresses, we see that they do go down to Egypt with Benjamin, and importantly, we see the fulfillment of Joseph’s previous dreams – they “all bow low to pay honor” to Joseph (verse 28). At the meal, Joseph seated the brothers – unaware and astonished – in the order of their ages around the table – a picture of the sovereignty of God and a demonstration of Joseph’s authority over his brothers. In Genesis 44, we see the clever plan by which Joseph will hold the brothers accountable for their earlier actions toward him, and this plan will bring Jacob and his entire household to Egypt for salvation from the famine. Perhaps, more importantly, we see Judah’s willingness to step up as the head of his tribe – through which our Lord eventually will come. Here, Judah acts as a substitutionary sacrifice to guarantee Benjamin’s safety: “I will bear the blame … all my life!” (verse 32). Judah’s attitudes and actions typify the kind of conduct that our Lord Himself demonstrates and desires that we follow.
In Psalm 13, David asks, “how long must I wrestle with my thoughts?” (verse 2). Quite possibly, he was struggling with evil thoughts and their result – “sorrow” in his heart (verse 2). In any case, when we sometimes feel isolated or forgotten, our thoughts can easily plague our minds and cause us to see reality much differently from what it truly is. Here, David’s thoughts give embodiment to his “enemy and his foes, and their glee when he falls” (verse 4). However, David asserts that recovery comes to us when we cry out to God: “Look on me and answer … I trust in your unfailing love” (verses 3-5). We notice how David has moved from “feeling forgotten” to “singing to the LORD” (verses 1 and 6). When we meditate on God’s character and goodness, such thoughts move us to sing songs of praise.
In Matthew 15:10-39, Jesus explains what we have been reading about in the previous two passages. He teaches that “evil thoughts” proceed from our hearts and they “defile” us (verses 18-20). It is important that we fill our minds with wholesome thoughts. Sin’s grip on us all is illustrated by the Canaanite woman’s demon-possessed daughter – her condition is helpless and hopeless. Still, she tenaciously cries out to Him for “help.” Jesus tells the woman, “it is not right” (i.e., to forestall God’s plan for Israel), but like Jacob contending earlier with God, she argues, “Yes, it is, Lord” – demonstrating her “great faith” in the power of God to heal her daughter (verse 28). How could she properly argue this? Living in and under the collective authority of Israel, though an insignificant Gentile woman, she could demonstrate and receive the benefits of faith that would testify to the Jewish people. In this way, even Gentiles receive the “crumbs” (verse 27) of His “compassion” (verse 32). No wonder Jesus commended her for her “great faith” (verse 28). Such demonstrative faith testifies to everyone around us and enables us to overcome evil in our world. May God find such faith in each of us!