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January 10, Day 10 – A Dead Religion for Spiritually Dead People

Writer's picture: Dr. Eric StrickerDr. Eric Stricker

"A Rose Opens" © by Terri L. Stricker - Original Hand-Fired Relief Sculpture

In Genesis 19, we now observe two angels who arrive in Sodom to visit Lot in his home. We see the evil and the iniquity of this city – such horrible perversion and spiritual blindness – that could only be forestalled by the physical blindness that held Sodom’s wicked men at bay and kept them from finding their prey. At first, we wonder how Lot could even step outside his door – thinking he could reason with such irrational people – but then we wonder all the more how Lot could offer his own, apparently virgin daughters to them to “do what they like with them” (verse 8). Who does that? This act graphically illustrates the compounding nature of sin which jettisons such sinners further into an accelerating, downward spiral of even more abysmal sin – unaware of the depth of their condition – and its overwhelming grip on them. As the chapter progresses, we see the destruction of these evil cities caused by God’s rain of burning sulfur. Archeology confirms that the entire region was desolated so completely that, even today, the area is still covered in powdery ash and sulfurous stone that easily self-ignites when exposed to the air. Chapter 19 closes with the shameful incident of Lot and his two daughters living “in a cave” (verse 30), and at his daughters’ foolish insistence, engaging in incestuous relationships – to “preserve the family line” (verses 32 and 34). We ask, "Is God’s arm so short” (cf., Isaiah 59:1) that He could not preserve their family line? From this, we see Sodom's influences on Lot and his family, and we glean the dangers of not walking in step with the Lord to trust Him for the future outcomes of our lives. In Genesis 20, Abraham repeats a lie he told earlier to Pharaoh (cf., Genesis 12;12), this time to Abimelech, king of Gerar. Both times, fear is the motivating principle, and both times, Sarah is complicit. This shows us that the man of faith is still just a man who falters – our redemption is not yet complete. It also shows that God is long suffering with His own – He remembers that “we are but dust” (cf., Psalm 103:13-14).

In Psalm 7:6-9, David – in imprecatory fashion – calls upon the “righteous God to rise up in His anger against the rage of his enemies.” God “searches minds and hearts,” and He alone can “bring an end to the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure” (verse 9). As children of God, we would do well to recognize that God’s enemies are our enemies. We have a responsibility to love our enemies (cf., Matthew 5:43-44), but we also have a Father in heaven who deals with His enemies – especially when we “leave room for God’s wrath … it is His - not ours - to avenge and repay” (cf., Romans 12:13-21).

In Matthew 7:24-29, Jesus completes His Sermon on the Mount, addressing here the issue that wisdom builds her house on the rock (i.e., the truth). The authority by which Jesus taught was unmistakably divine. Then, in chapter 8:1-22, we observe examples of the Lord’s authority in the healings that He performs – the man with leprosy; the centurion’s servant; Peter’s mother-in-law; and many who were demon-possessed. Jesus closes out this section by pointing out that a cost is involved in following Him. In verse 22, Jesus says, “Follow me … let the dead bury their own dead.” In this life, we have a choice to make – we can actively follow the living Word of God, or we can passively identify with a dead religion for spiritually dead people.

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