In Proverbs 29:10-18, the writer addresses and contrasts different types of people – the “bloodthirsty and the upright; fools and wise; rulers and officials; the poor and the oppressors; the king; children and mothers; and the wicked and the righteous.” Clearly, God is interested in and concerned about everyone, for we all fall into one or more of these different categories: “the LORD gives sight to the eyes of both” (verse 13). Here, “sight” symbolizes that God has given all mankind not only the ability to see but also every opportunity that can result in advantages and benefits. We all have eyes to see, but how we look at what we see determines the categories into which we might fall. None of us is forced to be bloodthirsty, foolish, oppressive, or wicked. We fall into negative categories by the choices we make, but God warns us in Scripture – over and over again – to make good decisions. Notice God’s preferred choices for us: “fairness; the rod of correction which imparts wisdom; discipline; revelation; and keeping the law” (verses 14-18). We need to fix our “eyes” on God’s preference for us – to become a part of His family. .
In Daniel 8:15-27, we see the angel Gabriel explain the meaning of the vision we read about yesterday – the ram and the goat. We see that the ram represents the empire of Media-Persia and the goat portrays Greece (verses 20-22). Out of those empires, “when rebels have become completely wicked, a master of intrigue will arise” (verse 23). These events took place about 174-168 BC when Antiochus IV Epiphanes overtook the Jews and desecrated the temple – foreshadowing what the Antichrist will do in the tribulation. Then in Daniel 9:1-19, we find one of the most important prayers in all of Scripture. Daniel says that he “pleaded with God in prayer and petition” (verse 3), confessing his and Israel’s sins: “we have done wrong; been wicked; rebelled; turned away from God’s commands; not listened; been unfaithful; not obeyed; transgressed” (verses 4-ff.). This is a whole laundry list of sins. By contrast, Daniel points out that “God is righteous in everything He does” (verse 14). If we are honest, we will find ourselves and our own similar sins somewhere in Daniel’s prayer. It is vitally important that we, like Daniel, go before the Lord in prayer and confess our sins – that we say to God the same thing that He says about them – “we have sinned.” In verses 18-19, Daniel cries out for forgiveness – “not because we are righteous – but because of Your great mercy” (verse 18). We have no righteousness to present to God. All we can ask for – including our request for forgiveness – is based on God’s “great mercy” (verse 18).
In 1 John 2:28-3:10, John advises us to “continue in Christ.” I take that to mean that we are to persevere in our faith and stand firm in it God has “lavished great love on us” and we “are His children” (3:1-2), so we need to conduct ourselves in a manner that is worthy of our family heritage. Daily, we are to “purify ourselves” (verse 3) that we may become more like Christ. In yesterday’s passage, we saw that the Father opposes the world (cf., 1 John 2:16-17). Here, we see that the “Son of God opposes the devil – He “appeared to destroy the devil’s work” (verse 8). Earlier, in Galatians 5:16-17, we recall Paul telling us that the Holy Spirit opposes the flesh (i.e., “the sinful nature”). Thus, evidence of our new birth – that we are in God's family – is “love for our brother” (verse 10).