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December 29, Day 364 – The Purpose and the Culmination

Writer's picture: Dr. Eric StrickerDr. Eric Stricker

In Nehemiah 9:1-37, we see the “gathering together” of the exiles, both Israelites and foreigners, to “praise the LORD” and to “confess their sins” (verses 1-5) – for “two quarters of a day” (verse 3). Shebaniah and Pethahiah, two Levites, called upon the people “to stand,” while they prayed one of the most incredible prayers recorded in Scripture. This prayer creatively exemplifies how we can praise God – even amid our trials and difficulties – as it summarizes the entire history of Israel and its national sins up to the time of Nehemiah. Moreover, it reveals by confession the predicament in which the nation still found itself at that point. Notice the summary of verses 36-37: “We are slaves today … because of our sins … we are in great distress.” From this summary, we should learn a lesson and follow the same rationale, recognizing the heavy price that sin exacts from us – it enslaves us and places us in great distress.

Also today, we continue with the second half of Psalm 148 – reading verses 7-14. In this section, the Psalmist summons earthly praise from all who dwell here in the earthly realm. In the same way that “the sun, moon, and shining stars” exalt and honor their Creator from the “highest heavens” (cf., verses 3-4), all creation bound to this planet faces the imperative and the responsibility to “praise the LORD” (verse 7). Notice: “sea creatures; the ocean depths; lighting, hail, snow, and clouds; stormy winds, mountains, hills, trees, wild animals, birds … and kings, princes, rulers … young men and maidens; old men and children” – all – “Let them praise the LORD” (verses 7-14). Nothing is omitted, thus everything in God’s creation has the natural capacity and the responsibility to glorify its Creator. If we possess that ability, then let us choose to praise God and fulfill the God-ordained purpose for our existence.

In Revelation 19:11-21, we come to the end of the tribulation and the end of time as we know it here on earth. Coming to verse 11, we cannot fail to see the unmistakable second coming of Christ – “the rider on a white horse whose name is Faithful and True – THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” (cf., verses 11-16). Thus begins the culmination of all things – a topic about which the Scripture has much to say (cf., Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; Romans 10:4; 1 Corinthians 10:11; 1 Peter 4:7; Revelation 21). In verses 17-21, we see the last futile attempt of the Antichrist and the false prophet “to make war against” Jesus Christ, but the two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur” (verses 19-20), followed by the Lord’s destruction “by sword” [i.e., His Word] of “the rest of them” [i.e., their armies]; (cf., verse 21). In the next chapter, we will see what we all desire and hope for – the final capture and incarceration of Satan.

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