In Esther 2:19-5:14, we begin to see the deep drama of the book beginning to unfold. Here, we see the entrance of Haman, an Agagite, into the picture. We recall that, if King Saul had actually obeyed God’s command to destroy totally the Amalekites and King Agag, there would probably be no Haman in this account (cf., 1 Samuel 15:3, ff.). Now, for some strange reason, the king decides to honor unworthy Haman, an exceedingly proud person. Haman illustrates the pride, arrogance, and deception of Satan himself, in whose hand Haman becomes a willing tool of Satan’s hatred of the Jews. We see that Mordecai the Jew refuses to bow down before self-important Haman, whose entire life is characterized by vanity, greed, position, wealth, hate, racism (i.e., antisemitism), and above all – rage. Haman wants to murder “all Mordecai’s people” (3:6), and he sets a date to achieve his goal. However, we see in this section how God supernaturally controls the casting of the lot (cf., Proverbs 16:33), as it returns a date as far into the future as it can fall – 12 months – giving the Jews time to prepare. In chapter 4, Mordecai relays the plot to Queen Esther, who, in her innocence, is unaware of Haman’s plans. Mordecai instructs Esther to exercise the rights and privileges of her position to correct this impending injustice that is being perpetrated against her own people. Esther rises to her character – even prepared to sacrifice herself – for the salvation of her people. This is a literary picture of our Lord’s sacrificial offering of Himself for the sins of all mankind. In chapter 5, we see Esther’s willingness to stand in the gap for her people and advocate for them before the king. We notice the order of Esther’s invitation: “Let the king and Haman come” [to her banquet], (verse 8). But notice Haman’s reversal of the order in his statement of pride: “She has invited me along with the king …” He reveals his own self-centered superiority. He believes that he is greater than the king in the same way that Satan thinks he is greater than God. As the Scripture says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). Haman is about to fall.
In Psalm 141, David “calls upon the LORD to come quickly to him” (verse 1). Like David, we ought to desire the Lord’s presence and nearness in our own lives so earnestly that we are always anxious to meet together with Him. David’s yearning is that his prayer and his hands will rise up “like incense and the evening sacrifice” to the Lord – indicative of David’s cognizance of his humble station before a holy and righteous God. Indeed, our God is “high, lofty, and lifted up” – wholly other than what we are (cf., Isaiah 6:1). David is aware that his “lips, hands, heart, etc.,” can all be used as instruments of righteousness or of sin, so he wisely asks God to guard him – even to the extent that God should provide “a righteous man to rebuke him” (verse 5). None of us naturally likes or seeks to be corrected, so who among us ever actually prays like this? Only a humble person could pray this prayer, and it’s a good one for us to follow.
In Revelation 3:7-22, we see the final two churches that received our Lord’s Revelation-letters. These last two churches stand in stark contrast to each other. The saints at Philadelphia are commended for keeping the Word of God and for honoring Him before men (verse 8). They have “endured patiently” (verse 10), and they receive no rebuke from our Lord. However, the Laodicean church remains without commendation and is rebuked sternly for being “lukewarm” and for its “pride” (verse 16). They were neither “cold nor hot.” Christ admonished those believers to “be earnest, repent, and take a firm stand" (verse 19). Notice His stand – "I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in …” (verses 19-20). He seriously calls upon them to “open the door” to Him that, together, they may enjoy proper fellowship. Jesus clearly wants our love and our loyalty, but He will not force Himself on anyone. His invitation is open to anyone – “whoever has ears” (verse 22). Truly, this is serious business; may we truly be serious with Him.